On interest and bankers’ pay: COVID-19 exit strategy
More is expected from the banking system and bankers in sharing their prosperity during this time in need.

COVID-19 exit strategy: Islamic finance prescription?
"The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones” (John Maynard Keynes).

COVID-19 has amplified calls for Islamic finance
Of great interest is the falling trend of the BOE base rate over time. The rate that was peaked at 17% on 15 November 1979 has gradually fal
Risky asset management for shared prosperity
(This article was first published in Islamic Finance news Volume 17 Issue 9 dated the 4 March 2020)
Risky asset management for shared prosperity vision
(This article was first published in Islamic Finance news Volume 17 Issue 9 dated the 4 March 2020)

Islamic finance as ethical finance
This is based on the talk held in Hong Kong on 22 June 2019 entitled ‘What is Islamic Finance?'

Financing issues in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Muslim-majority countries
This is a summary from the talk held in Hong Kong on 6 November 2018.

Islamic finance: Risk-sharing as sustainable risk management
(This article was first published in Islamic Finance news Volume 15 Issue 8 dated the 21st February 2018)
Corporate governance in the Islamic finance industry
(This article was first published in Islamic Finance news Volume 14 Issue 49 dated the 6th December 2017)

Sustainable Risk Management for Belt and Road Initiative
Speaking about sustainable risk management for Belt and Road Initiative.